Thursday, February 10, 2011

the pressure of first impressions

That first blank page always throws me off. I could honestly sit and stare at it for hours with absolutely no idea what I'm even planning on writing about. So when I go full steam ahead like I am right now, I completely ramble on about absolutely nothing of importance. But so what, I say. I'm sure if I sat here for twenty minutes and actually put thought into what I was writing, it still wouldn't be anything awe-inspiring anyway. Sometimes, there really isn't that much to say in the first place. Like right now, though maybe saying a big welcome to the very first post on my blog would be a good start. It's by no means my first blog but milk and cookies will hopefully far outlive it's predecessors who, in my younger years, would have been lucky to have reached a total of five posts let alone have anyone actually read them. I'd love to be able to say that milk and cookies is a thought provoking blog title, that I put hours of thought into coming up with the most meaningful, perfect title that I could. But I can't. Like this very first post, it was more of a go with the flow, spur of the moment decision. But hey, who doesn't like milk and cookies? I suppose in a way, the title does mean something to me - milk and cookies reminds me of christmas time, my most favourite time of the year. So all in all, while I sit here and tell you that this post and my title are just thoughts that come straight from my head and onto the screen, I suppose that they do tell more about me than I could have first imagined. I am a rambler and I'm happy to admit that. Who doesn't need that friend who fills awkward silences with nonsenical chitchat? So while I may not be great at introducing myself, I've ultimately subconciously done so through my words.
If you've managed to read this far then I commend your efforts and hope to see you back here some time soon.
much love,